Episode 153 of The Radio Hour That Feels Like Two Hours now playing (link below), this week featuring a long conversation with Will York, author of the newly issued ‘Who Cares Anyway : Post-Punk San Francisco and the End of the Analog Age’ (Headpress). Flipper, Sleepers, Toiling Midgets, Caroliner, ETC (Peter Cetera). Skipped over Mr. Bungle because I wanted to leave the best stuff for someone else’s podcast, I’m gracious like that.

Flipper – Love Canal
Sleepers – Los Gatos
Tuxedomoon – No Tears
Pink Section – Shopping
Factrix – Over My Shoulder (And Out Of My Life)
Minimal Man – Hospital
Negative Trend – Meat House
Glorious Din – Sixth Pillar
Toiling Midgets – Again
Zip Code Rapists – The Three Doctors
Thinking Fellers Union Local 282 – Change Your Mind
World Of Pooh – Laughing At The Ground
Faxed Head – Pantera Lines
Caroliner Rainbow Hernia Milk Queen – Mud Cup Monocle
Gregg Turkington – I’m In Your Band
Zip Code Rapists – Ranch Style Beans
U.S. Saucer – Condor Heights