To call Zab Judah’s performance against the lumbering Carlos Baldomir last January underwhelming would be kind of like saying Jim Lampley’s hair is suspicious. But with a love for the sport that P.T. Barnum would no doubt appreciate, I am once again parting with cash in the faint hope of witnessing a classic when Judah takes on the favored Floyd Mayweather later this evening. The Sweet Science’s Benn Schulberg recaps some of the history between these two.

For Zab Judah (far right, hooded), Saturday night is his make or break moment as he attempts to rebound from the most disappointing loss of his career against the man many experts believe to be unbeatable. A bad loss for Judah would be a fatal blow, possibly ending his career, while a win over the pound-for-pound king would catapult his standing as not just a good fighter, but a great one.

Judah has been sworn to silence in preparation for this most important of tests, vowing that he would come to Las Vegas more focused than ever before. At Thursday™s final press conference, Judah rose from the dais, decked out with sunglasses and a hoodie, and finally broke his silence.

œThis is something I™ve prepared my whole life for. Come Saturday night I gotta trick for you (Mayweather). He already knows, Judah said.

Tricking Mayweather (far left) is no easy task as the betting odds signify, listing Judah as a 5-1 underdog. The key to this fight though seems to be whether or not Judah will be able to use his speed, movement, and southpaw style to disrupt Mayweather™s gameplan. If he is able to keep his opponent off-balance and upset his rhythm enough to be able to gain control of the fight, then we™d be looking at a remarkable upset. But that™s One Big ˜If.™

Roger Mayweather, uncle and trainer to Floyd, reminded us, as well as the Judah camp why his nephew is the best fighter in the world. œHe (Zab) already knows what Floyd can do. I don™t have to tell Zab, his father, what Floyd can do. He already knows.

Uncle Roger also reminded us of the infamous sparring session that Mayweather and Judah had last year that supposedly ended with Judah leaving the ring after a couple rounds with a damaged ego after being thoroughly outclassed. This incident has now gained wide acclaim thanks in large part to Uncle Roger whose speculative story is hard not to believe considering the silent response of the Judah camp.

Yoel Judah™s podium comments only further fueled Roger™s performance.

œWatch what you ask for, dynamite is coming. You said Zab™s got power, heart, but no chin, well you better check yours, the father and trainer to Zab said.

Roger defended his nephew to the point of daring Yoel Judah to make a bet that Zab would win and promising to pay out if it happened. In response to Yoel™s warning about what his son is going to do Saturday night, Roger said, œMr. Judah said be careful what you ask for. Well Floyd knows what he™s getting into because he™s been there (referring to the sparring session). He already knows what Floyd can do.