In the likely event you’ve already forgotten, myself + Matt Baab will be playing records and hosting your otherwise deadly desperate Wednesday night, May 30 at the Scoot Inn, 1308 East 4th St., Austin.
If you’re the kind of person who cares either way, tonight’s San Antonio/Utah Game 5 should be available in vibrant technicolor on the Scoot’s flat screen. The volume will have to be turned down, however, so as not to drown out the sounds of King Tubby with Jeff Van Gundy’s commentary.
Also, if you can’t make it, don’t feel obliged to write, text or call explaining why. I’m just going to assume that each and every one of you are (extremely) fair weather friends. But you’ll note the weather today is quite fair.
coming :
June 6 – Jimmy Flemion (The Frogs), plus me and a bag of records.
June 13 – Pink Nasty, plus someone who may or may not be me, playing records. Just not the same pile as the previous week.
too hot outside, brah. i’d expand on my balls being sweat-stuck to my leg but…
too late!
geez. They do have air conditioning. It works especially well on poorly attended nights.