While the New York Mets continue to support a glorified puppy mill, I suppose they deserve some genuine praise for their noble efforts to rid our society of the scourge that is child-sex pests. But enough about the club parting ways with Paul Lo Duca last winter, it seems there’s yet another goofy promotion on tap for this Saturday, as surveyed by the Daily News’ Nicole Bode :

Advocates trying to warn kids about the threat of online sexual predators trolling the Internet have a new ally – Mr. Met.

The mascot has been recruited to get the word out at the first-ever Internet Safety Day at Shea Stadium. The event kicks off before the 3:30 p.m. home game against the Philadelphia Phillies on Saturday.

Among the educational goodies that will be handed out to fans are 25,000 mock baseball cards with safety tips like “I pledge to ask a parent before sharing my personal information online” and “I pledge to not meet anyone that I first ‘met’ online.”

There will also be a safety quiz on the Mets’ Jumbotron during the game, along with information tables inside the stadium, organizers said. Queens District Attorney Brown will be on hand, along with U.S. Attorney Benton Campbell.

“We thought it would be a great setting for delivering this message in an environment where people would be open to learning,” said Suzanne Giuliani, spokeswoman for Time Warner Cable.

I wish all of the above do-gooders the very best of luck, and at the risk of telling them how to do their jobs, there’s at least one sure-fire method for kids to guard against internet deviants.  If someone with the screen name “LuisPolonia” or some variation on such wants to meet at the mall or a petting zoo, children should call 1-718-507-TIXX as soon as possible.