Sam Frank informs us that former Jays/Fish/Mets/Yanks hurler Al Leiter (above) will serve as an honorary coach for Little League’s Challenger Division games to be played on the White House lawn.
Eff, from Salt Lake writes:
How long does the game last? Do you keep score? Thanks for all you do to help the kids.
Al Leiter :
The game is one inning for each team and everyone will get a chance to hit. Of course, in a game like this, it has to end in a tie and everyone is a winner.
Except, of course, Scott Kazmir. He’ll always be a loser.
I’m not sure why Sam sent me photographs from what may or may not be a recent Whitehouse live action. Those guys bailed on their recent ATX show, leaving some hopelessly overmatched local buskers with very, very big shoes to fill.
and i thought the throbbing gristle reference was just a fluke…