[Cubs fans, the dead spot in Piniella’s line-up?]
For those of you wondering why the first two Cub NLDS games were not covered in this space, the only reason is that I was in Mexico all week. Given that they lost the first two games at Wrigley, I would be forced to criticize at length the nothing at-bats, multiple run/multiple error innings from another country, or as Fox News would put it, protesting America from foreign soil. I’m home now, in Cheney protected territory. Before I start, a few observations on travel to Mexico. Like many of you, I listen to Rush Limbaugh. But if you go to Mexico, don’t use the phrases “el jerko,” “el cheapo,” or “el scrammo.” THESE ARE NOT REAL SPANISH WORDS. You will only embarrass yourself … it, uh, happened to a guy I know.
[Cub Pride: The real Manny being Manny]
Anyway, from what I did see in the land down under, the biggest error of game one were the utterly lame fans at Wrigley. In hindsight, I totally disagree with Piniella’s attempt to lower fan expectations. The Wrigley Faithless sat thru the first game like they showed up to lose. All season long I have made fun of the Our Year Is Over mentality when 3 games in a row were lost or the It’s Our Year giddiness when we sweep the Reds at home. During the second game, Carlos Zambrano went mano y manny with Manny Ramirez and struck him out TWICE. What support did he get from his infield? Errors by De Rosa, Theriot, and Lee that allowed a five-run inning. Cub fans had every reason to sit down for that nonsense. I actually believe it will be an edge for the Cubs to play at Dodger Stadium, without all the living dead of Wrigleyville. As Mr. Warmoski has pointed out to me, “Dodgers fans barely pay attention — even after Manny, throwing around beach balls and whatnot.” Indeed, few locals will be there pre-third inning and many will leave after the 7th to beat traffic on the 110, so it will only be like playing three-innings away.
Yeah you right Ben – playing at Chavez Ravine did give the Cubs an edge: they only lost by a few runs instead of seven. And thanks for flogging the dead horse stereotype of the “apathetic LA sporst fan” – that’s quality journalism. At least L.A. fans have a pulse. Wait ’til next year, Cubs fans!
Hey congrats, Brian, no kidding — but that “pulse” you mentioned is named “Manny Ramirez.” Until he showed up I was getting free Dodger tickets with parking passes — easily upgradable seats after the 7th, btw.
Waaaaait a minute – hold on, Poindexter: You’re telling me that fans become more interested in attending games when a team gets a couple of exciting players, starts winning games and goes to the playoffs – WHAT? And this Manny Ramirez is exciting the crowd? And that’s bad or something or is a reason to take cheap shots at Dodger fans? Oh right – now you can’t get free tix (plus parking!) from your rich Hollywood connections. Gotcha – my bad. The bandwagon only had 3 million fans on it before Man Ram showed up so I guess there is room for a few more. Carry on.
Love the Manny Trillo card, btw. Got any Ray Burris or Ivan De Jesus cards?
Well, yeah, I am telling you that. The Dodgers, to their credit, got a great deal in and from Manny, and trampling the Cubs is exhibit A. But before him, fans gave up mid-season, imo. My rich Hollywood connection? He’s a guy who runs a ski jet and surf rental shop. Christ, are even Dodger fans pulling Warmoski’s We’re the Workin’ Side O’ Town Fans attitude? Dodger fans? I’ll ask Pat Sajak about it next time I see him wandering around the Stadium Club.
Didn’t you watch the KTLA Dodgers 50th anniversary special with the relocated Brooklyns talking about Los Angeles fans barbecuing in the stands, back to the game? Are while I wasn’t surprised that Manny sells tickets, I think it’s weak that the fans arrive and leave when they do, altho it always makes entertaining shots on ‘GN’s live coverage with a line of cars out the gate during the 7th of a winning game.
And I have never been to a ball park that does as many waves as Chavez.
Anyway, I’ll look for you on the kiss-cam, Brian, if you can get off work for the game,
Thanks Ben
I’ve been going to Dodger games since 1969 or so, and I will grant you that a lot of “fans” come for the experience of just being there, hanging out, getting out of the house. Lots of families, beach balls, waves – whatever. I just watch the game and enjoy the company of my friends. That crap doesn’t drive me to whinge about it on the internet, but then I’m a native and I can see why a transplant would get annoyed by the celebs and the beach balls. I’m used to it. I just watch the game. I don’t let it get to me. It’s a fucking game, it’s not Iraq. Who cares? Dodger dogs are pretty good, too. I guess no one goes to any other ballpark in MLB just to go. We suck. Sorry.
I’ll be at game 4 – before the first pitch, I might add. Somewhere in the reserved level, left field side, waaaay up there (I’m not hooked up with jet ski rental moguls – I got my tix from the extortionists at Ticketmaster). Look me up and I will buy you a beer – least I can do for all the enjoyment CSTB brings me.
Hey, Brian, I kid the Bums, and offer sincere congratulations. As you may have read in my posts about Dodger games this year and previous, I like the Ravine. I found the way Dodger fans booed Barry Bonds relentlessly, while simultaneously popping thousands of flashbulbs during every at-bat, kind of odd, but so what? I’m with you (literally) as I never leave in the 7th and just like hanging out there.