By now you’ve probably definitely seen the footage of Prince Fielder tussling with teammate Manny Parra, apparently because the pitcher didn’t plan to stick around and watch the Brewers bat after allowing six runs to a team that was the subject of a “Have they hit rock bottom?” column earlier today.

Sounds like Milwaukee manager Ned Yost might want to move, however:

œIt™s not a big deal, Yost said. œFor eight months a year, we™re a family. At times things happen, flare up, but it™s between the family. It™s in the family.

œIt™s a little bit rude when your neighbors are fighting next door for you to go knock on the door and ask what happened. We handle it ourselves. It™s between us and it™s nobody™s business. But it wasn™t that big a deal.

And probably a good night for it to happen, since the Badger state is just a tad preoccuppied with something else.