All good things must come to an end. And so must the ‘Church Of The Up Night’ film series as curated by Max Dropout and myself. You’ve not supported this wonderful endeavor in nearly big enough numbers and as such WE’RE SHUTTING THE FUCKER DOWN, with a final edition planned for Sunday, May 17th at 9pm . Max has a Happy Hour movie night in the works. And me….I’m just gonna sit around the house cursing Sean Green.

In the meantime, we’re gonna send the Church off in style. Max has the classic “Street Trash” headlining, while I’ve picked Robert Altman’s criminally ignored “O.C. & Stiggs” based on the fantastic National Lampoon stories of the same name. If I was booking the big high school dance, I’d sooner invite Drunks With Guns than King Sunny Ade, but we all have our favorites. As always, admission is free, the drinks are cheap…and so are you! See you at Beerland.