Though the Kansas City Royals will soon introduce new uniforms, treating the paying customers with condescension never goes out of style writes the Kansas City Star’s Jeff Passan.

Thomas Geha stole the show Friday.

No, he™s not a new Royals acquisition or a top prospect. Just a fan who™s rather disgruntled with the amount of action outfielder Aaron Guiel saw last season.

Geha received a smattering of claps during the Q-and-A portion of the luncheon for asking general manager Allard Baird about Guiel™s playing time, then pushed further and drew the line of the day when questioning the Royals™ coaching of third baseman Mark Teahen.

œThat guy, Sweeney said, œlooks like if you don™t play Aaron Guiel in left field, Allard, you™ll end up in the back of his trunk.

Geha, a season-ticket holder from Kansas City, wasn™t exactly in a joking mood. He said he saw Teahen resting his bat on his right shoulder most of the season. The team™s coaches, Geha reasoned, should have seen that and changed it.

œSir, Baird said, œif this game was that easy, you and I would be playing it right now.

I wasn’t there for this luncheon, but it would appear as though Geha wasn’t suggesting the game was easy at all. Rather, that the Royals should be employing a manager and coaches with the requisite expertise to offer some advice in such instances. The game isn’t easy, precisely why it might’ve been a mistake to hire Buddy Bell.