Lest you thought/hoped Luke Scott’s 2011 Media Blitz had come to a conclusion, the Orioles outfielder has once again taken issue with the nationality of our Commander In Chief, this time, in conversation with the Kansas City Star’s Sam Melinger :
“If they can counterfeit $100 bills, I think it’s a million times easier to counterfeit a birth certificate, if you ask me,” Scott says. “So, all it is, let’s just see if it’s real. Anybody can produce a document, so let’s check it out.”
“We all have that responsibility as Americans,” he says. “Whatever platform you have, large or small, fight for what’s right. Fight for what’s right and fight for the principles of honor, integrity, accountability, being a person. Responsible. Hard work. Discipline. Honesty.An Orioles employee saw me talking to Scott to make it clear that the organization doesn’t endorse his views.
Scott doesn’t regret anything he’s said and sure isn’t listening to advice from his team (and agent, it should be noted) to only talk baseball while in uniform. That’s his right, and he’ll tell you it’s even his responsibility as an American.
“Things like that, try and pass those principles on to the next generation. Be a voice for that. Maybe being a baseball player and having a little bigger platform than the next (person), then my responsibility should be to stand up for those principles. If I was in construction or working in an office I should stand up for those principles as well.”
“fight for what’s right.”
Now I have that old 80’s Hulk Hogan song and video stuck in my head. Thanks, asshole.
At some point, people are just going to need to stop talking to this dude about stuff like this. It’s like if reporters asked Carl Everett about dinosaurs during every road trip. Only it’s creepier and has more sublimated racial stuff/violence and I hate it more. Those are the only real differences, I guess.