(no paper bags for Chris Bailey or Ed Kuepper, not even with Michael Vick coming up this Sunday)
With much speculation centering on whether or not the Saints will return to New Orleans, or perhaps move to Los Angeles, San Antonio or Baton Rogue permenently, it is interesting to note that the Louisiana option is already proving to be less than hospitable. From the Associated Press :
When the New Orleans Saints play four games at LSU’s Tiger Stadium, the bars in East Baton Rouge Parish will be closed.
The Metro Council refused Wednesday to lift the Sunday closure rule, citing feedback from residents.
“Every e-mail and call that I have received on the issue has been against this. My constituents do not want to become New Orleans. They don’t want to progress in that way,” Council member Martha Jane Tassin said.
Another opponent of the measure, Mayor Pro Tem Joe Greco, said he could understand why some Saints fans might want to indulge after watching the Packers defeat the Saints 52-3 on Sunday.
“I think you’ve got to be drunk to watch the Saints these days. It would be hard to watch them sober,” Greco said.