(don’t call it a lifestyle….oh, never mind)

Though most sensible persons would prefer a dime bag, a quick peak at Dime Mag’s website this morning reveals some umbrage over an unlinked “cheap shot” from Slam (“We don™t read your magazine. We™re not concerned with what™s going on over at a teen magazine.”)

We started Dime five years ago because we were ballplayers and there wasn™t a magazine for us. So we went out and made one. Five years later, we™re still here doing our thing – bigger and better than ever. And in all that time, we™ve never taken a shot at any magazine, let alone yours. We don™t need to. If you want to talk, talk. We just bring it harder. And the results speak for themselves.

Listen, to us, there™s nothing cornier than a mag beef (over the internet no less), so here™s one option: We™re both basketball magazines ¦ let™s play ball. Name the date, name the court, and we™ll be there. We might even spot you a couple points – from what we™ve seen, you™ll need at least that much.

Who are we kidding? We both know you won™t take us up on the offer.

Indeed, what better way than a game of driveway hoops to determine which publication is actually worth reading?