There’s good news and bad news for Camp Cablevision this morning.  On the bright side, one of their more high profile, if unsuccessful and unprofitable properties, made the front page of the New York Times this morning.

Sadly, for JD of the Straight Shot, said article consists of Howard Beck examining whether or not Isiah Thomas pulled a John Chaney Saturday night.

With 1 minute 32 seconds left, the MSG broadcast focused on Thomas while Denver™s Marcus Camby shot free throws. The Nuggets were leading, 117-100. Thomas, standing on the sideline, his arms folded and his jaw tight, bites his lip and starts talking to a Nuggets player. The player is not in the camera shot, but the broadcaster Mike Breen notes that Thomas is talking to Anthony.

There is no audio of Thomas, but in repeated viewing of the video he appears to say: œHey, don™t go to the basket right now. It wouldn™t be a good idea. Seconds later, Thomas cocks his head, holds out his right palm and, with a slight smile, adds, œJust letting you know.

The broadcast did not capture the entire exchange, however, as the network toggled between cameras. Thomas also told Anthony that he œshouldn™t be in the game right now, because the score was lopsided and the Knicks had removed most of their starters, according to an associate who spoke with Thomas yesterday. The message was intended as a plea not to embarrass the Knicks further. The associate was not authorized to speak on Thomas™s behalf and spoke on condition of anonymity.

Calvin Andrews, Anthony™s agent, confirmed that Anthony said Thomas had told him to stay away from the area under the basket. Andrews indicated that Anthony gave that account to N.B.A. officials. Thomas also spoke to league officials.

The issue for N.B.A. officials is how to interpret Thomas™s words, and his intent. Was Thomas merely advising a young star that he should not embarrass the Knicks by running up the score? Or was he issuing a warning?

The only person who should be more enraged by these revelations than David Stern is J.R. Smith. Why does ‘Melo warrant a friendly “stay out of the paint” warning but not Smith?

For the New York Post’s Peter Vescey, short of getting a DVD-R of “Quite Frankly” outtakes, Saturday’s events were the most awesome of Christmas presents.

If justice ain’t dumb and blind, Stern should lock up Nate Robinson and throw away the key. As usual the half-pint punk went looking for trouble. Had he not sped to the scene of the crime and pushed J.R. Smith, and then goaded him into a fight, had he not fermented festivities, the explosive situation would’ve been defused. There goes any chance of swapping him for another team mascot.

Jared Jeffries ought to do himself a favor and seek counseling during his free time. The Avenger convinced us he’s deranged. Who knew natives of Bloomington, Ind., were so practiced in wilding?

Staying too long with your starters violates common courtesy; it defies logic to have your star out there late in a blowout. E. Stanley Kroenke would’ve been in Karl’s face had Anthony or Marcus Camby or Smith torn up a knee. What if Anthony broke his hand on Collins’ head? Either way Karl risked the season over what . . . Larry Brown

Karl thought it was cool to rub it in. Thomas thought he was being cute getting even. Both used players as pawns to do their dirty work. They allowed a personal vendetta to poison their reasoning and, therefore, should be held more accountable than anyone else for the flagrant fragrance.