(much like the Sultan of Surly, a widely misunderstood, polarizing, historical figure)
Writes Ben,
Well, as both the Fall tour and the Cubs’ current West Coast tour disintegrates this week, I happen to be up north in the Bay Area and heard local KNBR morning sportsguys Murph and Mack debating
a) should Bud Selig attend the possible Ruth tying Bonds HR and
b) will Dusty Baker pitch around Bonds?
a) no, why should Selig have to attend every game until this happens and
b) no way will Trib management allow Dusty to pitch around Barry Bonds.
Given the Cubs current need to associate themselves with other teams’ great moments like Ruth’s mythical 1932 shot in Chicago, I can tell you now that Jim Hendry is already planning reenanctment moments, having the 2007 Cubs wear vintage 2006 SF Giants uniforms for opening day, and even having some of Barry Bonds’ ex-wives out to Wrigley to throw out pitches.
Tour managing the Fall must be a rough gig. I wonder do tour management companies assign new hires to Fall tours to test their mettle or use them to mete out punishment to those who foul-up and/or to drive unwanted employees to quit.
even having some of Barry Bonds’ ex-wives out to Wrigley to throw out pitches.
they can’t do any worse than angel guzman.
I’m not even aware of “tour management companies”. Most of the men & women I’ve known who’ve done TM work are independent contractors who work from tour to tour and make their own deals with bands. I’m sure most of the more organized booking agents have lists of TM’s they recommend, though.
I’d never wish a tour with Mark E. on our friend Dave, but the consolation would’ve been some good photographs.
My experience is limited to putting on all-ages hall shows in Philly circa mid 80’s and I recall one hapless and harried guy who was assigned to TM an Exploited tour by an agency who specialized in hc/hm “crossover” and UK leather porcupine punk bands of that era and I was wondering after the show if the poor guy was being punished.
unfortunately, from experience i have learned that you don’t have to work for an agency or anyone else to be punished in the world of tour managing. one can do quite a number on oneself by uttering the simple phrase “yeah, i’ll take that job”. and whether it’s wattie or the warlocks or van morrisson (from what i hear) it can take a long time for the bruises to heal.