Just in time for UFC 75 at the former Millennium Dome , the well-worn comparison of Mixed Martial Arts to “human cockfighting” is employed. Based on my limited knowledge of animals and sports, the actual phrase “human cockfighting” doesn’t make sense, but Larry Craig just rang up to see if I could reserve him a ticket. From the BBC :

The British Medical Association, which has campaigned since 1982 for a ban on boxing, has now turned its attention to extreme mixed martial arts. Doctors are not calling for a ban on sports such as karate, but instead want to see the end of “brutal” events like cage fighting.

Dr Vivienne Nathanson, head of science and ethics at the BMA, said: “Ultimate fighting can be extremely brutal and has been described as ‘human cockfighting’. It can cause traumatic brain injury, joint injuries and fractures. /p> “This kind of competition hardly constitutes a sport – the days of gladiator fights are over and we should not be looking to resurrect them.

“As doctors we cannot stand by while violent fighting tournaments are allowed to take place.

“Large amounts of money can be earned by participants, promoters and others linked to ultimate fighting, but no amount of money can compensate for permanent brain damage and premature death.”

Nor is there enough cash at stake to possibly justify Joe Rogan, but I doubt he’ll be quitting anytime soon.