When new ownership took over the Oakland A™s recently, GM Billy Beane was given a minority stake in the club as part of his contract extension. When Sandy Alderson™s recent hiring in San Diego was announced, he too, was reported to have received a share of the Padres.

Nationals GM Jim Bowden should not expect a similiar windfall, reports the Washington Post™s Barry Svrluga.

Jim Bowden (above), whose contract will expires Saturday, is still without a deal for the rest of the season, though team president Tony Tavares said last night he expects a resolution this week. œI™ve told Jim I™ll take care of him, Tavares said. œHe™s not worried about it. I™m not worried about it.

Though Tavares has the authority to determine Bowden™s salary “ Bowden likely will get a raise from the $300,000 he would earn annually at his current pay scale “ he must get approval from Major League Baseball, which owns the team, on the length of the contract. A source said MLB is reluctant to sign Bowden beyond this year, given that it would like to sell the team during this season.

Tavares wouldn™t comment on the length of how long a new contract would extend, but expressed a desire to take care of Bowden, who declined to address his status.

œWhy should he be made the sufferer? Tavares said. œWhy should there be all this uncertainty around him? He™s done a good job.