Mariners OF/DH/ticking time-bomb Milton Bradley’s toiled for 8 teams in 11 years, but to hear him tell the tale to the New York Times’ Tyner Kepner, except for one ill-fated season at Wrigley’s, it’s been nothing but smooth sailing. “If he leads the league in O.P.S., as he did for Texas in 2008, the Mariners could be very good,” predicts Kepner, but if Milton leads the AL in Obscene Protests & Screaming, they could be very, very bad.
œTwo years ago, I played, and I was good, Bradley said. œI go to Chicago, not good. I™ve been good my whole career. So, obviously, it was something with Chicago, not me.
He added: œJust no communication. I never hit more than 22 homers in my career, and all of a sudden I get to Chicago and they expect me to hit 30. It doesn™t make sense. History tells you I™m not going to hit that many. Just a lot of things that try to make me a player I™m not.
Chone Figgins, who signed for $36 million over four years, said he was excited to see what Bradley can do.
œI™ve always liked his game, Figgins said. œHe hits for power, he can steal you a base, he™s a patient hitter, he™s a good hitter, plays the outfield well. He™s a prototypical five-tool player. He™s going to be fun.
Conversely, if Chicago wins their division as they did pre-Bradley in 2007-8, I’m sure Milton will step up and take responsibility.