Hey, if I were Dennis Deitch of the Delaware County Times, I wouldn’t bother reading Marcus “Sabreboy” Hayes of the Philadelphia Daily News either. But unless the Phillies beat writers are having a doggerel contest, they ought to at least agree not to trot out the old “Spahn and Sain” routine more than once a month.

Here’s Hayes on September 5:

Kendrick and Lohse and pray for . . . snows?


Nothing catchy seems to rhyme with Kyle Lohse’s last name, or Kyle Kendrick’s, either. For now, though, they’re the Phillies’ Spahn and Sain.

And Deitch, tonight:

A half-century ago the Boston Braves leaned on starters Warren Spahn and Johnny Sain so heavily that the media came up with the idiom, œSpahn and Sain, and pray for rain.

The Phillies have their own version of this desperate need to have pitchers work as often as possible. It resides in the bullpen, where it™s œMyers, Gordon and Romero, see ya tomorrow.

Hey, at least when Bill Conlin did it on July 26, 2002, it was for a column about Maddux and Glavine (and was not the lead, and did not include any attempts at a new rhyme).

Meanwhile, Deitch reports that the Phillies met the President today:

œI told him, ˜In Philly I™m almost as popular as you are,™ said [Charlie] Manuel.

Finally, it looks like 14 (innings) is my lucky number once again tonight. Though the Mets managed to make the Marlins look like… well, the Mets by allowing eight unearned runs on six errors in the 9-6 New York win, Colorado’s 2-1 triumph over Jake Peavy and San Diego puts the Phillies 1 1/2 back in the wild card, same as the division race.