From CSTB’s favorite site, Female First.

British actress Kate Beckinsale is relieved her husband Len Wiseman hates American football, because she thinks the sport is for girls.

Beckinsale (above) believes the US sport is too feminine and gentle, compared to football and rugby in her native England.

She says, “Len’s not into American football. I’d have a hard time if he constantly had to watch girls’ fucking rugby bollocks. That’s what I call American football.”It’s like rugby except they wear armour and scream a lot. It’s completely poofy. (They do) the gayest dances when they score.

And Beckinsale also has no time for baseball, which she compares to the English game rounders – a sport normally played by girls, which features small bats.

She continues, “And their other national sport? Rounders. Which is a girls’ game. The prosecution rests.”

Beckinsale’s latest film is a sequel to the straight-to-video”Underworld”. Mike Baldwin, suffering from the early stages of Alzheimer’s, was unavailable for comment.