From the Associated Press :

Police arrested the 18-year-old Ryan Leli Friday night at Shea just before the start of the New York Mets-Colorado Rockies game and charged him with impersonating a journalist, the Queens District Attorney announced Saturday.

Prosecutors say Leli told New York Mets management that he worked for NBC Universal and showed a fake NBC employee identification card so he could get press credentials.

Leli used the fake NBC identification again Friday to get another press pass for the Mets-Rockies game.

Mets management apparently became suspicious and contacted authorities.

My first reaction to this story was, “no way, Steve Cangialosi is way older than 18.”

Reaction number 2 : Clearly, this young man has not had the benefit of hearing Will Leitch explain for the 9th or 10th time this year that the press box is crammed with jaded, sports-hating creeps who have little or nothing to offer in the year 2006 (other than, y’know, providing bloggers, professional or otherwise, with a shitload of content).

(ADDENDUM : Does this ever happen in other cities?)