(the men who killed hoops blogging in Boston)

As a fan of the New York Mets and New York Knicks fan, I need few reminders that a constant dose of turmoil makes for easy blog content. With the arrival of Kevin Garnett and Ray Allen in Boston, however, Green Bandwagon‘s Jim admits “the 20-3 start and stifling defense caught me a little off guard.”

Apparently I used to spend a good deal of time writing about the following topics, many of which are obsolete this season:

Whether Danny Ainge deserved to be fired
Whether Doc Rivers deserved to be fired
What the ideal rotation was
Whether or not “insert young Celtics player’s name” would ever be a star
Commenting on or concocting my own trade rumors
Reacting to slights, real and perceived, from other bloggers and mainstream media. Example: Secretly hating everyone who mocked the “Celtics Youth Movement” and considering breaking into ESPN, ABC or TNT to force them to show a Celtics game.
Enjoying the fact that I was blindly committed to following a team that the majority of people either mocked or ignored altogether.

Did I ever actually enjoy the perpetual losing? Of course not. In fact I was strongly opposed to any notion of tanking. And I love the nationally televised games, magazine covers, commercials and every other bit of blatant overexposure that goes with following a winning team. But after spending a full year hoping the Celtics would somehow be good I’m not entirely sure what to do now that they are. I look back at my original site, Celtics Bandwagon, and see the flurry of posts, may of which had goofy premises, and wonder if winning has hurt the quality of my work.

It’s a fascinating to consider whether a long run of futility might result in exceptional reporting. Alas, in the case of the Knicks, the blogging is every bit as sophisticated as the man who owns the franchise.