(before we even consider the above gentleman’s credentials, does anyone know if Pat Buchanan’s cell phone has a camera?)
The Home News Tribune’s Gene Racz writes “I was more excited about the Super Bowl than Super Tuesday when I stepped into the voting booth on Feb. 5,” complaining the MSM’s coverage of whom he ID’s as the remaining “three viable candidates” fails to inspire.
I was tempted to cast a write-in vote for Eli Manning. I could trot out the same platitudes the leading candidates were using: proven leadership; coolness under pressure and the ability to handle adversity, create unity and bring about change. (Plus, that was one hell of an effort to get the ball to David Tyree down the stretch.)
Kidding aside, even as a media member, I still find it hard to get reliable information on what separates one candidate from another on substantive issues like health care, tax policy, trade policy and foreign policy. I’m forced to scratch through Op-ed pages, read columnists I trust, and scour the Internet for articles.
By and large, coverage by the mainstream media is all about the rhetoric and not nearly enough about the records. More than anything, each election cycle I feel like I’m watching a one giant horserace. Who’s in first? Who’s in second? Who’s gaining? Who’s falling back and who’s coming up on the outside as we head into the clubhouse turn?
Who cares?
Along with the scores, we need a drumbeat of consistent, quality analysis – the kind of frank commentary that calls people out when they lie or misrepresent who they really are. Maybe we should let ESPN cover our presidential elections. If the level of political discourse were half as detailed and in-depth as it is for sports, we’d all be better off.
Racz’ understandable ennui with election coverage aside, his suggestion would come as welcome news for Bill Belichick or Roger Clemens if they ever decided to enter politics. Sure, they’d eventually be taken to task for their alleged ethical lapses, but awfully long after the incidents occurred (and certainly after someone else raised the point).
On the other hand, there’s at least one power couple who oughta be relieved Yahoo Sports isn’t watching them as closely as Reggie Bush.