While The Big Lead noticed the latest salvo in the Colin Cowherd v. Bill Simmons Pissing Match, the latter’s most recent ESPN.com chat has a telling bit of film criticism.
Though I must admit I’m a tad surprised Simmons finds the work of Judd Apatow as troublesome as that of Werner Herzog, as always, the dudes-night-out worldview oozes all over the Sports Putz’ writing.
I’ve seen “Knocked Up” and it’s a-ok for a laugh or 4 dozen. And while the prospect of Seth Rogan bagging Katherine Heigl — as Simmons’ own readers acknowledge — is pretty farfetched, stranger things have happened. Not, for instance, Bill seeing past the dubious import of “hanging with his buddies”, but we can dream, right?
If there’s a prospect scarier than a lifetime as The Most Whipped Man This Side Of Doug Christie, it’s gotta be partying with Sully instead. Or considering films through the limited prism of “chick flicks” versus “guy flicks”. How about those with an all-male cast, Bill, are those “guy flicks”? Or is there some tiny chance there are women (presumably those who find the charms of Page 2 elusive) who dig movies that don’t end with pregnancy and/or weddings?
If you wanna go through life as a total cliche, be my guest. The rest of us will continue to enjoy a cultural universe that couldn’t possibly suck as much as yours.
Simmons was probably confused by Knocked Up‘s depiction of funny and/or interesting things happening on a trip to Las Vegas.
Apropos of not the Sports Putz, through 2 1/3 matches Copa America has been quite entertaining.
Due respect, GC, but I thought I’d established my position as the only person on the CSTB masthead who had to read Sports Bro’s work. Not to say you’re not on point: I agree with what you’re saying (and I also enjoyed the movie, especially Jason Segel’s imiitation of Arnold Schwarzenegger in Total Recall), I just think you shouldn’t have felt obligated to put yourself through this. I can handle BSG. You just stick to, you know, everything else.
That said: dude’s a putz.
my apologies. If you’d like to claim propriety over all future critiques of Simmons’ work, I can certainly take a pass.
Blogger rips on Simmons. Sun rises in the east. Rinse, repeat.
One wonders how a guy whose wife has wormed into in his column space can talk with a straight face about anybody being “whipped.”
“One wonders how a guy whose wife has wormed into in his column space can talk with a straight face about anybody being ‘whipped.'”
With considerable authority?