Though not nearly as pithy as Tim Warren’s dismissal of Declan MacManus as “Elvis Cosdildo”,  following entry by the Austin American-Statesman’s Michael Corcoran to the Contrarian Sweepstakes is equally memorable.

SXSW keynoter Lou Reed played the œLou Reed Tribute Thursday evening at the Levi’s/Fader Fort. He performed “Walk On the Wild Side” with Moby, not really an adventurous choice. The songs I heard for two hours, many of them sounding alike, kinda rat out Reed as an overrated songwriter in the right place, right time. Where’s his “I Say a Little Prayer?”. What’s the great song he’s written in the past 30 years?

But there’s no denying Reed’s incredible influence. Since the Stooges owned 2007 and the New York Dolls were the big band a couple years earlier, it’s only fair that 2008 is a salute to the Velvet Underground, who were the Grateful Dead with worse drugs, but better guidance.

If you find the above claims as outrageous as I do, never fear, at least there’s someone else in the media who has a fuller appreciation for Reed’s many skills.