Charity alert, dear CSTB Nation! A benefit for the Stevie Ray Vaughn Memorial Scholarship Fund is taking place in Dallas, Sunday, October 1, with the 12th Annual SRV Remembrance Ride and Concert. The parade begins at 9am at what’s billed as the World’s Largest Hooters (sadly, here in Austin, the local Hooters can only accomodate a few hundred patrons as opposed to 300,000 at a time) and culminates with an all-star(e) jamorama at Arlington’s Cowboys, headlined by the Jeff Healey Band (of “Roadhouse” infamy).
If all of that wasn’t awesome enough, the event will be MC’d by Stevie Ray’s former road manager, Cutter Brandenburg, author of the newly released “You Can’t Stop A Comet”.
I’ve already placed an advance order for said tome as there are far too many questions I’m dying to know the answer to. What kind of mileage did Double Trouble’s tour bus get? What was on their rider? Stevie Ray’s preferred gauge of strings? Brand of pick?
Though I can’t promise that I’ll personally be attending the Remembrance Ride & Concert, I would like everyone to reflect on an act of savage vandalism and hate that occurred right here, in the Live Music Capitol Of The U.S.A. From CSTB, last December 24, 2005 :
Time-Warner Cable’s News 8 was on the spot early this morning, spicing up an otherwise slow local news day with the story of the 8 foot statue of Stevie Ray Vaughn being defaced.
A local correspondent who will remain nameless (in case he or she ever wants to do the weather at News 8 ) comments below :
Subject: My new hero(es)
Body: Some beautiful person and/or persons defaced the Stevie Ray Vaughn statue at Town Lake in Austin last night.
This ugly, overbearing, bronze statue has been a blistering eyesore for the tasteful masses for years now. News 8 (Time Warner’s sad 24 hour news station) covered it early this morning, revealing that the word “POSER” was painted on the front, “See you in Hell” at the base, and some unnamed profanity on the reverse. Some passerbys’ quotes include a woman in her late 40s with fashionable jogging gear: “I’m an artist, too, and I appreciate what that is, and everyone does, and — well — obviously some don’t.” (Um, what “real” “artist” is jogging at 8am?) An even older fellow, looking very confused: “I don’t know what they’re protesting against.” (I would wager that they were drunkenly protesting against mediocre, Hendrix nutsack-swinging, drug-fueled GARBAGE that is pervasively revered by the small “c” local celebrities who speak for Austin.) And finally, a random, ugly, bearded tourist from Florida: “No respect for the dead…All he did was make good music and make people happy.” (Many people take exception to this — people like myself, who, as a sign shop employee, was forced to hear his poisonous aural carrion day after fucking day on KLBJ-FM.)
I’m not glad the motherfucker’s dead, but bitches, please, this is the most overrated guitar player of all time, a product of a pissant city that thinks so highly of itself to call itself the “Live Music Capitol of the World.” His wanky, artless garbage encouraged many other morons to pick up an axe and continue the suffering he started, and make places like Antone’s be able to book filth like this 7 nights a week.
I love the Blues. I love these drunks who did this in the middle of the night. I love News 8 Austin for getting their cameras down there to shoot and record it before the City sent out their underpaid minions to wash it off around 10am. It shall live in eternity on my DVR (until I get it burned to DVD, at least).
This shall be the best Christkkkmas ever. My heart races with joy.
Thank you for forwarding on the staggering confluence of sentiments CSTB, all of which I fully agree with. Though I am not sure exactly what a “Christkkkmas” is, I am certain that it will be the best ever.
In the very late ’90s or early ‘0s when vandals repeatedly pulled off the whammy bar of a rather ugly bronze likeness of Jimi Hendrix in Seattle (located outside the Muzak Corp HQ for some unknown reason), I had been somewhat annoyed. However, this story of the Stevie Ray Statue vandalism has inspired within me a most pleasant sensation that at once combines the rare satisfaction of justice, civic duty AND artfulness.
On a related note, though I am reserving judgment until I receive the full review on _The Best Show on WFMU_, it is a damn shame that the Swaze, “The Rock”, Ben Afflex, or Joe Piscopo didn’t get the role of Daulton in _Road House 2: Last Call_ ( I am most pleased see Jake Busey among the credited cast, however.
Also, The Jeff Healy Band live at Cowboys in Arlington? Oh, Sweet Jesus, hallelujah!
By the way, I forgot to revive this quote from the beautiful Tamas Katona Jr: “DIE you bastard piece of shit! You aren’t human, you’re the evil!
You’re going to HELL!!! If I find you, I broke your arms and then I bury you alive!”
And please tell me the original Huckapoo posting is in the queue for a future “CSTB Greatest Hit”. That is, I’ll keep hitting refresh on my PocketPC until I see it.