Even Larry Craig has a hard time believing some of these excuses. From the Dallas Morning News’ Todd Archer.

The NFL suspended Cowboys quarterbacks coach Wade Wilson for the first five games of the 2007 season because of a violation of the league’s policy on performance enhancing substances.

Wilson will also be fined $100,000.

Wilson acknowledged to NFL officials that he received prohibited substances, believed to be human growth hormone and steroids, while serving as Chicago’s quarterbacks coach from 2004-06. According to the NFL, Wilson said he did not distribute the substances to other people and they were for personal use only.

Wilson’s name came up in an investigation by the Albany (N.Y.) County District Attorney’s office that doctors were writing prescriptions for patients they had never seen.

State and federal agents in New York and Florida raided two Orlando pharmacies in February that were alleged to have supplied performance enhancing drugs to professional athletes.

It’s been some kinda week for the customers of Signature Pharmacies. And for once, I’m bitterly disappointed in the WWE’s masters of spin —- isnt’t there some way they can blame everything on Gary Matthews Jr.?