Along with examing what appears to be a falling out between Roger Clemens and Andy Pettitte (“this supposed mentor-protege’s relationship has been overblown by the media – with this space as guilty as anyone else”), Newsday’s Ken Davidoff tackles the Hot Stove Story that remains unresolved, Will-Johan-Stay-Or-Will-He-Go?

With underwhelming offers, why shouldn’t the Twins make a very feasible run at the playoffs, then let Santana leave after the season and pick up a couple of compensatory amateur draft picks?

A veteran executive plugged into the Twins’ thinking, however, said, “That ain’t happening.” And he predicted, furthermore, that Minnesota will unload Santana before the start of spring training.

The logic: “First of all, if Santana comes to camp with the Twins, the trade question will be hanging over him every day. Second of all, once camp starts, the Yankees and Red Sox will be less willing to give up pieces from their major-league roster [such as Phil Hughes, Melky Cabrera, Jacoby Ellsbury and Jon Lester].

“Third of all, let’s say we get to July 31. Why would Santana, with two months to go before free agency, sign a long-term deal and not open up a bidding war?”

Fair points, all. Although I do think that if the Twins are waiting for Hank Steinbrenner to bend, that is a faulty strategy.

On an entirely different tip, Bugs & Cranks’ Andrea Reiher has discovered an online merchant with an ample supply of Montreal Expos blankets. Said items aren’t being discounted as much as you’d think, so perhaps sports-related blankets are gonna be a safe haven in the midst of a brutal economic climate.