Mulling over Curt Schilling’s threat/promise to “‘get this state back to the place it deserves to be,” CSTB commentary fixture Rog writes,  “maybe he’d bring back the Rathskeller?  Then, I would support his candidacy.  Kenmore Square’s gotten too gentrified and safe and basically a white Republican’s wet dream ever since that one guy with the bloody sock helped the Red Sox win the World Series.” What’s all this about? In the rich traditions of Jim Bunning, Steve Largent and, uh, Heath Schuler, Schilling — a Massachusetts resident for all of 5 years — claims he’s mulling a run for the U.S. Senate seat vacated by the late Edward Kennedy.  The Boston Globe quotes Schilling from an interview with NECN’s Brad Puffer (link swiped from Repoz and Baseball Think Factory)

“I’m not going to divulge the discussions, but I’ve been contacted by people whose opinion I give credence to and listen to, and I listened,” Schilling said.

Asked whether he would run, Schilling said, “As of today, probably not.”

“I don’t know, going forward,” Schilling said. “That’s a pretty big deal, from a commitment standpoint, not just for me but for my family.”

After the interview, Schilling added to his comments with a statement he posted on his blog.

“I do have some interest in the possibility,” Schilling wrote. “That being said to get to there, from where I am today, many many things would have to align themselves for that to truly happen. I am not going to comment further on the matter since at this point it would be speculation on top of speculation.”