[pictured: 2007-2008 highlights, Varsity Warriors v. Colony; Adam Friese = Warrior Pride]

Longtime readers of CSTB will be glad to see the Alaskan High School Hockey Desk up and running again with news of the Wasilla Warriors‘ quest for state glory.  First, 2008-2009 updates:  practice starts October 20th at Brett Memorial Ice Arena (and we all miss Brett, btw).  Second, no news yet on when the first meeting of the Wasilla Warriors Booster Club meeting will be.  Third, the JV game against Anchorage starts at 5 PM, not 6 PM, on November 7th.

And finally, it’s come to this department’s attention that varsity forward Levi Johnston got the Republican Party’s vice-Presidential nominee’s daughter, Bristol Palin, pregnant.  When Governor Pailin was named to the Gustav/Palin McCain/Palin ticket, we thought Levi might miss the Anchorage game, as it falls just three days after the November 4th election.  However, as the awkward news of his fathering the governor’s grandchild broke yesterday, we now expect the whole Palin family to attend the game.  Rumors that Senator John McCain called Levi personally to threaten to beat his punk ass if he doesn’t marry Bristol to-goddamn-morrow because he didn’t spend five fucking years in the Hanoi fucking Hilton to get dicked out of the Presidency over some snotnose hockey jock congratulate Levi on his upcoming wedding to Bristol have not been confirmed.

However, this wedding announcement was found in the New York Daily News.  Congrats from the whole CSTB Alaskan High School Hockey desk, kids!
Levi Johnston

[pictured: potent forward Levi Johnston, coming off a successful 24-point season]

He’s a superhunky bad-boy ice hockey player from cold country; she’s a chestnut-haired beauty and popular high school senior.

The all-American teen twosome will make GOP vice presidential pick and Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin a grandma at age 44 – just in time for Christmas.
Doe-eyed Bristol Palin, 17, and ruggedly handsome Levi Johnston, an 18-year-old self-described “f—in’ redneck,” have been dating a year, locals in Wasilla, Alaska, told the Daily News.
And the pregnancy? An open secret in the close-knit town of 9,780.

Bristol Palin, now a senior, was frequently seen cheering her young beau from the stands. Levi is also a senior.

Wasilla mom Jennie Johnston, whose son Jade played hockey with Levi, saw the young couple in January at a game.

“She was in a cute little outfit like young girls wear,” said Jennie Johnston, who is not related to Levi. “She was with Levi.”

She said her son told her the two were already engaged.

“They’ve been together quite a while, more than a year,” she said. “I hope everything comes out well. These are local kids.”

Johnston, broad-chested and wearing a No. 15 jersey, can be seen in photographs hitting the boards as a Warrior in action.

A closeup shot shows the handsome teen with a light dusting of whiskers on his chin – his dark brown hair curly and wet.

“Levi has got huge potential,” Jennie Johnston said.