On Wednesday, Sports On Earth’s Tomas Rios took a long look at Tony Dungy’s recent comments that he’d have avoided the ticking-time-bomb that is Michael Sam being-his-gay-self in an NFL locker room in a piece entitled “The Respectable Bigot”. Dungy, who apparently considers Sam to be a far greater threat to team morale than say, convicted felon/dog murderer Michael Vick, “believes gay people don’t deserve equal rights, which makes him a bigot by definition,” in Rios’ view, adding, “people who intertwine their biases with their religion are usually intractable.” All of which leads us to the following series of correspondence between Rios and former Sirius/XM host turned subscription-podcaster Dino Costa.
Costa, who recently announced plans to move his program and family back to the New York area some two years after essentially channeling John Rocker in telling the region to fuck off, seems to have a hard time with someone passing up the opportunity to be sandbagged interviewed on his fledgling program :