I’m not quite sold on ESPN’s current scheme which has Peter Gammons reporting from the stands. For one thing, he seems a little squashed at Wrigley this evening. For another, Peter’s presence amongst the hoi polloi is weirdly reminiscent of Dick Clark introducing musical guests on “American Bandstand” sitting amongst the teens in the studio audience.

The Cubs are trailing the Cardinals, 4-3 after 6 innings. St. Louis’ Scott Rolen hit a 2 HR to left center off Chicago’s Sean Marshall in the the first inning ; Albert Pujols drove in a pair of runs with a 5th inning single. The Cards’ Sidney Ponson has walked none and would be unscathed were it not for Jaques Jones’ 3 run homer in the 4th inning, Jones’ first round-tripper as a Cub. On the other hand, Ponson hasn’t punched out any authority figures, crashed a Jetski or failed a breathalyzer test, so win or lose, his night would have to be considered a qualified success.