“The owner had a concert?” asked a puzzled Carmelo Anthony at Knicks practice Monday, apparently unaware that for several years Garden chief James Dolan has fronted the least popular pay-to-play, sub-Blues Hammer “band” on Planet Earth, JD & The Straight Shot.  Hours after the Knicks were humiliated by the Spurs at MSG, the Straight Shot headlined Manhanttan’s Cutting Room Sunday evening,, at which time Dolan promised “the basketball” team would emerge victorious this Wednesday in Atlanta.   From the New York Daily News’ Mitch Lawrence :

“I guess we’ve got to win,’’ Anthony said Monday when asked by the Daily News about Dolan’s guarantee. “The owner said it. I guess we got to make it happen. We want to win. If he said it, he’s put the pressure on us to go out there and win the game.”

Asked by The News if Dolan was supportive of him during their meeting, Woodson wouldn’t provide any insight, adhering to the Garden’s rules that anything Dolan says is off limits when talking to the media.

“That’s not your guys’ business,’’ he said. “That’s me and my owner’s business. We’ve got to get ready for Atlanta, that’s the name of the game.’’

But Woodson was clearly taken aback when Dolan’s guarantee was brought up, asking a reporter, “Say that again?’