
I’m working on behalf of Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment to promote the release of THE GAME PLAN on DVD (1.22).  Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson stars as Joe Kingman, the high-living star quarterback for the Boston Rebels. Kingman is called upon to make his most important play in a position for which he has no practice when his seven year-old daughter unexpectedly shows up on his doorstep. Klingman’s comedic struggle to reconcile his role on the football field and superstar bachelor lifestyle with his role at home makes this is a perfect film for CAN’T STOP THE BLEEDING™s audience.

I wanted to see if you’d be interested in featuring content from the DVD including some great behind-the-scenes footage detailing what it took to turn The Rock into a quarterback, including an interview by ESPN’s Sean Salisbury. In addition there’s a hilarious blooper reel set to the familiar narration of sportscaster Marv Albert!

I am happy to provide you with a DVD review copy and links to clips, if you are interested.  We also have giveaway copies available if you’re interested in holding a contest for your readers.

Please contact me with your shipping address for the review copy of the DVD, and any thoughts/questions regarding coverage.

Thank you,
Dre, Click Communications

Other than “The Game Plan” DVD featuring additional content from not one, but TWO sexual deviants (Salisbury and Marv), I fail to see how this is the perfect film for CSTB’s audience.

The real cinematic masterpiece this blog’s readers are aching to see (whether they know it or not) comes from acting/directing/producing dynamo David HeavenerYour Video Store Shelf descibes “Outlaw Force” as “one scruffy man’s search for his daughter who has been kidnapped by child pornogaphers and features plenty of fighting, shooting, and periodic scenes of David Heavener singing.”

I’m sure you’ll agree, that’s way more exciting than Sean Salisbury’s cock.