Ryan Ludwick went hitless in a pair of plate appearances hitting cleanup for the Reds in their exhibition opener versus Cleveland earlier today, but no importance whatsoever should be placed on the Cincy LF’s spot in the batting order. At least that’s the argument submitted by Reds skipper Dusty Baker, who tells The Springfield News’ Hal McCoy that it’s far too early to CONTINUE BREATHING DOWN HIS NECK. GET A FUCKING LIFE, WHY DON’T YOU?

“This lineup is no indication of anything, not really,” said Baker. “I urge people not to read into stuff right now. It is just how I have it now. Of course, it’s a possibility. Hey, you have to start somewhere.

“I urge everybody to, please, don’t critique my lineups already,” he added. “I’ll get enough of that during the season. I know it is going to happen. I don’t care. Everybody can tell you how to do it, but very few have ever done it.

“I am at the point over this where, hey, I DON’T CARE. I really don’t care,” said Baker. “That’s one of the last things on my mind. I’m doing what I think is right every day. There is a good chance with my experience and background that I have a better idea than most.”