A 36th minute header from Bobby Zamora earned Queens Park Rangers a point earlier today at home versus Everton, though QPR remain perilous close to the drop zone (the Stupor Hoops are currently 16th, barely ahead of Blackburn and Bolton on goal difference). As if that weren’t enough headache for recently named manager Mark Hughes, the media contingent at Loftus Road had questions about bench-warmer Federico Macheda’s post-match tweets ;  the on-loan striker from Manchester United wrote, “totally pissed off..this is not what I deserve”,  prior to deletion later in the day. . Hughes’ response is below, courtesy of the Press Association and The Guardian.

“What is he talking about? Perhaps he has broken a watch or dropped his phone. Who knows what he has done. You’re assuming it is about the game and not being involved. Until I speak to him I can’t really comment.”

Asked what action would be taken if it is about selection, Hughes said: “Well, when I know it is I will come back and talk about it but I can’t talk about it because that is the first I’ve heard about it.” He added: “Why we are talking about a player who was not in the squad? I would rather talk about the guys who worked their bollocks off, to be honest, rather than somebody that wasn’t even in the squad, don’t you think?”