I knew when I used to heckle Lenny Dykstra with friends at Dodger Stadium, usually chanting “Lenn-nny” in a chorus of retarded sounding voices, that Dykstra could easily have charged the stands and snapped us all in two without breaking a sweat. Now, thanks to the New Yorker’s Ben McGrath, I know he could hire Pete Incaviglia to do it without breaking a sweat. Not only that, when his magazine The Player’s Club debuts, an army of Dykstras will soon be walking the streets, since, as Dykstra says, œWe™re creating a life style!

(Dykstra, pictured, lays down some etiquette to a St. Regis waiter.)

Dykstra ordered a Coke and French fries with ketchup: œAnd I™m actually going to have that as my meal”might be the oddest order of the day. (Healthy living was never his specialty.) When the Coke arrived, he sent it back, believing it to be Diet. After the fries were delivered, he made a show of extracting a œYou™re welcome from the waiter, who had since moved on to another table. œI pay a thousand bucks a night”actually, three thousand bucks a night”and people are discourteous, he said, shaking his head. œThere™s some point in life when you have to grow up.

Dykstra last played in the majors in 1996, at age thirty-three. Improbably, he has since become a successful day trader, and he let me know that he owns both a Maybach (œthe best car) and a Gulfstream (œthe best jet). The occasion for our lunch, however, was a new venture: Dykstra is launching a magazine, intended specifically for pro athletes, called The Players Club. An unfortunate number of his former teammates have ended up broke, or divorced, or worse. The week before we met, the ex-Yankee Jim Leyritz, himself twice divorced and underemployed, had hit a woman while driving home from a bar. He never grew up.

œYou™ve got the ten per cent who are going to find their way no matter what, Dykstra said of the athlete population. œAnd you get the ten per cent that are fuckheads no matter what”we™ll paste an ˜L™ to ™em. The rest need guidance, and Dykstra, who will write a regular column called œThe Game of Life, is prepared to give it. œThis will be the world™s best magazine, he said.