If the Baltimore Sun’s John Einsenberg is this pissed off about the O’s plans to go ahead with an evening honoring Rafael Palmeiro, I wonder what he thinks about the ticker-tape parade for Jason Giambi?
Are they really still going to have a day honoring Palmeiro at Camden Yards on Aug. 14, just a few days after he returns from the most high-profile steroid suspension in baseball history?
Say it ain’t so. That might be the worst idea ever.
Sending out a certified juicer to soak up forced applause in a rote ceremony in front of dubious fans would disgrace the uniform.
It would insult the careers of Brooks and Frank Robinson, Eddie Murray, Cal Ripken and every other player who has accomplished big things while playing for the Orioles – by the rules.
The Orioles can do better than that, and they know it.
They should cancel the day immediately, and while they’re at it, tell Palmeiro just to clean out his locker. Thanks for the memories.
To let Palmeiro come back and play now, and force everyone to pretend nothing happened, would be a low point in franchise history.
Give me 0-21 any day. At least that was on the level.
There might not be much the Orioles can do about severing ties. When the Anaheim Angels tried to suspend infielder Tony Phllips after he was busted for cocaine possession in August 1997, the players union fought the move and Phillips was reinstated.
But even if the Orioles can’t control their relationship with Palmeiro, they can control who they honor, what they value and how they represent themselves to the public.
By standing up and denouncing the idea of stanozolol-aided home runs – a ruinous concept for their game – they can prove that, unlike what their recent results suggest, they do have their house in order.