…or there’s a curious lack of perspective amongst those consumed with the Volunteer program’s ups and downs. Admittedly, almost everything about Lane Kiffin’s stunning one-and-done tenure and exit from the University Of Tennessee smacks of uber-sleaziness — even by Kiffin’s established standards — compare and contrast the scenes taking place around the UT campus with what we’re seeing on our televisions from Haiti.

OK, that’s a little rich coming from a blog that mainly concerns itself with stories exactly like Kiffin’s. But that’s why I think the new USC head football coach should’ve used the events in Port-au-prince as a diversionary tactic during last night’s blink-and-you-missed-it press conference at Tennessee. Would a lynch mob have still chased Kiffin outta town had he used all 60 seconds of his speaking time to plead for donations to Haitian relief? Probably, but at least he could’ve attempted to exploit a major global tragedy — it’s one of the few crimes against humanity he’s not being accused of today.