The crew on ESPN’s NFL Countdown were merciless in their criticism of Terrell Owens’ admitted spitting in the face of DeAngelo Hall last night.  Tom Jackson opined that he’d prefer to be sucker punched than spat on (I’d rather be taken out to dinner than either), while Mike Ditka said that if he’d been in Hall’s shoes, he’d have been waiting for Owens after the game “and I’ve have hit him as hard as I could.”

Sean Salisbury (above), perhaps overcompensating for the fact he’s not included in such fascinating discussions, went a tad further on ESPN Radio today.  T.O.’s 6’3″, 220 pound frame “is all comestic,” sneered Salisbury, who declared Owens “a punk…who’s scared to go over the middle.”

“I’m from the old school,” puffed Salisbury, “just like Tommy, Coach (Ditka) and Michael (Irvin), and in our day, his own teammates would’ve taken him out.”

“And he leads the league in drops!” added John Seibel, gleefully.

Short of listening to Joe Theismann argue that Ricky Williams had disgraced the sacred uniform of the Toronto Argonauts, this might’ve been the most embarrassing on-air masturbatory sequence in ESPN Radio’s long history.   It’s pretty undignified for the Worldwide Leader to provide a vehicle for the macho posturing of a grade-Z never-was like Salisbury. And how much guts is required to threaten a player you’re unlikely to encounter face to face?

If DeAngelo Hall or Bill Parcells take exception to Owens’ actions, as they well should, let’s hear from them.  But where does a guy that earns a living verbally abusing John Clayton get off calling anyone else a punk, let alone a player who has persevered through numerous injuries, a suicide attempt an accidental overdose, and being ratted out by his own teammates?