Matt Osbourne, best known as the O.G. Doink The Clown, but beloved for his stints in Texas and the Pacific Northwest as Maniac Matt Borne, passed away yesterday at the age of 56 in Plano, TX.  Though the Doink gimmick was either a calling card or an albatross depending on your point of view, Borne’s worked alongside some of wrestling’s biggest names in his travels, including but not limited to Paul Ellering, Ted DiBiase, Randy Savage, Hacksaw Duggan, Curt Henning and Bret Hart.  Troubles with the law and substance abuse derailed successful runs in Georgia and Stamford, CT respectively, but Osbourne continue to work the independent circuit, as the video above illustrates.  His final public appearance came at a Massachusetts autograph show last weekend, alongside Marty Jannety.