“Not as dangerous as Vince Coleman, but still…” sighed Ben Schwartz, who forwarded an item from the Herald Sun’s Rebecca Heisler headlined “AFL Star Hurls Fake Penis At Woman”.  My first reaction?  “Dear God, please let Joe Namath get the help he sorely needs. ”

Carlton AFL star Brendan Fevola has escaped without even a slap on the wrist after he flung a fake penis at women near Melbourne’s CBD yesterday.

Police spokeswoman Mia Paterson said they were not investigating the incident because no one had issued a complaint.

The club, which recently signed Fevola to a three-year deal worth about $750,000, would not comment.

Fevola was on a boozy outing with his teammates yesterday when he rocked up to Fed Square about 5pm (AEST) wearing a pink nightie with the sex toy strapped around his waist.

Video footage of the incident taken on a mobile phone was posted on YouTube today.

“Fev had a foot-long dildo hanging out of his pink muu-muu in full public view outside the bar,” said a witness who asked not to be named.

“I saw him hit a couple of girls on the head with it.

“It was a bit off-putting.”