Sacking the hitting coach is all the rage these days, what with Eddie Murray gone from Cleveland, John Petland recently fired in KC and Dan Mattingly supposedly on thin ice in the Bronx. The Marlins’ Bill Robinson claims that he’s on the chopping block, according to the South Florida Sun-Sentinel’s Mike Bernadino.

Despite the Marlins being tied for the league’s second-highest batting average (.273), Robinson expressed concern over his job security after Sunday’s loss in Washington. Wednesday, he said no one in the organization had reassured him his uneasiness was unwarranted.

“I think [the media] is trying to run me out of town,” Robinson said. “[Unjustly] you guys have put it on one element of a losing streak. I can’t control the base hits. I can only give my guys the knowledge and the swing plane and thought process. Once the game starts, everything is totally out of my hands.”

There is, of course, no correlation between drug testing and what used to be offensive powerhouses like the Yankees and Indians having trouble scoring runs. It just means that all of the pitching coaches deserves raises.