After such a long big league career, how can Alex Rodriguez be so naive when it comes to giving his detractors so much ammunition? From Newsday’s Kat O’Brien :
Alex Rodriguez again addressed his future as a Yankee yesterday, first in a candid interview with “Mike and the Mad Dog” on WFAN, and later in a brief interview with reporters at Legends Field.
Rodriguez said again and again that he wants to be a Yankee for the rest of his career.
“You want to be as honest as possible,” he said. “You’re asking me what my sincere feeling is. I want to 100 percent stay in New York. Period. That’s it. I don’t know how many ways I can say it.”
If the Yankees win the World Series with him having a great season, Rodriguez said: “I want to stay in New York. One hundred percent.”
Rodriguez left some wiggle room, though, saying: “You never want to feel that you’re holding a team hostage. I want to be in New York. This is the place I want to finish my career. That’s it.”
In the WFAN interview, he called this year a “do-or-die situation” in which fans would either decide they had seen enough of him in New York or decide they wanted him to remain a Yankee.
So there have it, ladies and gents. The Third Baseman Is A Yankee 4 Life. Unless, of course, you continue abuse him. In which, he’ll opt out. I think he’s made his point, crystal clear.
Aging Mets 2B Jose Valentin allegedly injured himself yesterday while sleeping on the team bus. It sounds suspicious, but you can only use the “Guitar Hero” excuse so many times.