While it might not nearly as crucial to the long term prospects of the Portland Blazers as the news of Darius Miles’ season-ending knee surgery, the details surrounding a sexual assault lawsuit against Zach Randolph won’t do much for the club’s reputation locally. From the Oregonian’s Mike Tokito.

The lawsuit, filed Monday in Multnomah Country Circuit Court, seeks $2 million in “damages from Randolph’s multiple acts of sexual battery” and “severe mental and emotional distress” as a result of the physical assaults and the aftermath. The suit also says the plaintiff “Jane Doe” intends to add punitive damages.

According to the suit, Randolph paid the plaintiff $500 to participate in a sex act with another woman. The other woman, identified in the suit as “AF,” is a friend of the plaintiff who is a sexual partner of Randolph, according to the lawsuit, and members of Randolph’s inner circle, known as his “Hoop Family.”

The suit says the plaintiff simulated a sex act with the woman, to the displeasure of Randolph. After the simulated act, the plaintiff, who says she got drunk at the Exotica strip club with Randolph’s party before going to the hotel, fell asleep, according to the lawsuit.

When she awoke, the suit alleges, she was assaulted by Randolph.

The suit claims the plaintiff initially sent a text message to AF that said, “Don’t worry I have not cracked we good.” But in the next two days, according to the lawsuit, the plaintiff came to believe that AF had set her up to be assaulted by Randolph. On Sunday, Aug. 13, the plaintiff sent a text message to AF that said, “You are the one who set it up, you tell him (Randolph) $10,000 or it goes through lawyers on Monday,” according to the suit.

On Monday, Aug. 14, the lawsuit says, the plaintiff was persuaded by a friend to go to a hospital but was past the three-day period in which a rape kit could be used to obtain evidence. Police were called after she reported being raped.

Six days later, the district attorney’s office announced it would not file charges, citing lack of forensic or medical evidence, the delayed reporting of the events and difficulties posed by witnesses who were intoxicated at the time of the incident and gave contradictory statements to police. Although the district attorney’s report said there was “much stronger” evidence to charge Randolph with promoting prostitution than with rape, it said there was insufficient corroborating testimony.

(Prior dirt on the dirty dealings, from September 21)

True Hoop’s Henry Abbott helpfully points out that Exotica has a terrific menu. I could really go for the Teriyaki Burger right about now.

ESPN is reporting that following knee surgery earlier today, Kenyon Martin’s season is over.