Newsday’s Ken Davidoff and Jim Baumbach were on hand in Tampa yesterday, as the Yankees’ Gary Sheffield responded to questions about his name popping up in ‘Game Of Shadows’.

When Sheffield — who reportedly told the BALCO grand jury in December 2003 that he unknowingly used steroids — was informed of the allegation yesterday, he loudly said, “Great!” after each drug was mentioned. When asked if it is true, he said, “Nope.”

The book, which was obtained by Newsday yesterday and will be available in bookstores today, also alleged that Sheffield attempted to maintain a relationship with Bonds’ trainer, Greg Anderson, after Sheffield and Bonds had a falling out.

When asked about that, Sheffield said, “Do you believe everything you read?”

“It don’t matter,” Sheffield said. “It doesn’t matter really. Say what you want, think what you want, do what you want, it doesn’t matter. At the end of the day, it don’t stop nothing that goes on in my life or with Barry’s. At the end of the day. Period.”

Sheffield had no interest in going point-by-point with the book’s details. “What version do I need to have for you all to be satisfied?” he said.

“Like I’ve told you all before, what can I do?” Sheffield said. “I’m not going to spend the rest of my life worried about what people think about me. Think what you want … I’ve been over that. .”