[But can it bleed blue?]
Curt Schilling, master blogger, radio gossip, and heir to Bob Feller’s post as the Judge Roy Bean of baseball, let it be known that if he returns to baseball, it’d be with the Cubs or Tampa Bay. IF. Even Schilling notes on his blog, that speculation ran a little wild when this quote, “I™m not sure if I am coming back or not, but yes, I™d definitely be interested the Cubs, and in Tampa if I did turned into this one: œI™m definitely coming back and would play for the Cubs.”
Still, Lou Piniella returned Schilling’s blown kiss, and the Trib (unsourced) says the Cubs haven’t ruled out a one-year try-out deal. My only hope is that I’m there to see the team captain elections between Schilling and Milton Bradley, who this week declared the Chicago media “crazy.” Piniella says he was joking. I think he just meant “stupid,” or hysterical over a player who might criticize them, for which he’s clearly right. The Trib’s Paul Sullivan sums up the Schilling-Piniella media speed date here:
Though some suggest Schilling is out of shape and over the hill, manager Lou Piniella appears intrigued.
Crazy train: Milton Bradley took batting practice Sunday and told trainer Mark O’Neal his sore left quad was improving. But Piniella had no timetable for Bradley’s return.
And what did Piniella think of Bradley’s comment to Tribune columnist Rick Morrissey that “the media is crazy” for thinking he is crazy?
“No, I don’t think [the media is] crazy, absolutely not,” Piniella said. “But he was probably joking.”
Bradley, however, was not laughing or smiling when he made the remark.
“I think in this business, everybody might be a little crazy,” Piniella said.
with his credentials and his winning habits
It’s his eating habits that any prospective team should be worried about.