Conincidence, or just two great minds thinking alike?  You be the judge.

How many Brooklyn Dodger males besides myself checked out Rachel Robinson at the 50th anniversary of Jackie breaking Major League Baseball’s color line and thought she was hot? Take off that fake gray wig and she looks 30. – Peter Vescey, New York Post, May 6, 2007

Am I the only one that found Jackie Robinson’s widow attractive during the Dodgers game on April 15th. I realize the woman is in her 80s, but when they first showed her in the booth on the Dodgers’ game last night, she appeared eminently dateable. Yes, I was sober, and yes, I realize that psychotherapy may be an option to explore. – Wade B., Berwyck, PA, in a letter (supposedly) to Page 2’s Bill Simmons, May 11, 2007