With apologies to the late Harvey Milk for the above headline, WFAN’s Mike Francesa — to say nothing of his callers — seems to have a bit of difficulty determining the difference between, say, sexual orientation and a “lifestyle”. (video link courtesy Bob’s Blitz).

There’s also the not-so-small matter of professional athletes standing up for their civil rights running the risk of being accused of “promoting” said “lifestyles” or “recruiting” others to their, y’know, TEAM.

If Francesa believes preferences are a matter of privacy, I’m not inclined to argue with him. If he prefers Diet Coke to water, that’s his business. If Sirius/XM’s Dino Costa believes eschewing sleeves is particularly flattering look, he’s certainly entitled to his preference. But the last time I checked, no one was denied the right to marry over a Diet Coke addiction. To date, no one has been bullied, assaulted or murdered for wearing a sleeveless tee.