The saga of Kige Ramsey, while most assuredly, old news, has apparently provided sorely needed notoriety for Austin’s soon-to-be unemployed Gregg Henson. And while it’s hard to figure where Henson — just months removed from podcasts even his parents would’ve skipped (if they were smart) — gets off mocking this earnest young man, there’s another way of looking at this. Kige might be the only sports commentator, respected or otherwise, willing to give Henson the time of day.
I’m being 101% sincere when I say Ramsey is the most compelling DIY broadcaster I’ve encountered since Aurelia Desire and “The Closet Case Show” ruled Manhattan Cable.
Having never previously heard of Gregg, I’m not sure where he gets off, but clearly you (and others) have issues with him.
Either way, the audio of Kige on Gregg’s show is still hilarious.
I think I can match Kige for brevity when I describe my issues with Henson : he sucks.
Kige’s videos are a riot, as is. Gregg and A.J.’s condescending treatment of him, however, is typically unfunny. The next time either of these clowns has something insightful, original or funny to say will be the first time. But if nothing else, I suppose we can thank the duo for revealing the future of a dying medium : playing crap they found on YouTube over the radio.
I’m just glad a UK fan has found something productive to do with his free time.
Repeat: clearly your (and others) have issues with [Gregg].
Honestly, if you say he sucks, I’ll take your word for it. Most sports talk radio hosts do.
you didn’t ask, but I’ll elaborate anyway. Certainly Henson isn’t the first or last doofus with generic morning zoo aspirations to pollute the airwaves. He might not even be the worst. But there’s something kinda fucked up about Gregg ridiculing Ramsey. Anyone who has heard Henson’s stints on The Zone, ESPN Austin, his amateur hour podcasts or read his excruciatingly dull blog knows exactly what I’m talking about.