You might have to keep waiting. But if you just need to kill 60 minutes before this Wednesday’s Triple A All-Star Game, the Deuce has you covered (press release forwarded by Paul Sommerstein) :

œ7th Inning Stretch on ESPN 2, Wed July 12th at 10pm – a one hour special featuring Pat DiNizio with Bruce Springsteen, Cal Ripken, Joan Jett, The Smithereens, Don Mattingly, Gene Simmons from KISS, David Wells, George Thorogood, Tony Gwynn, and many others.

DiNizio’s participation has already been noted in this corner. However, the thought of the proprietor of Gene Simmons Toyota sharing the small screen with the Sultan Of Sloth is a little much for me to handle. Never mind the spousal rape on “Rescue Me”, this has TV-MA written all over it.